Friday 15 January 2010

Nothing in particular!

 It has been a quiet week, I have been relaxing and enjoying cooking for the first time in quite a while...especially with loads of butter and cream which is an absolute must comes guilt free!

To counteract the buttery fat and the need to soak up the landscape I go for a good long walk everyday with Sigga's dog Freyja so here are pics of things I encounter on our walks.

 Down by the beach are the drying racks for the fish heads, these are sent to Africa which is part of Iceland's UN aid package to feed the world poor.
Of course you can't help but encounter amazing landscape...these are a couple of views from the beach.
Birds walking on water.  Part of the sea around the dock is frozen.

My pretty daughter-inlaw Olga!

My not so pretty son Ross!

Ice patterns on the ground!
Not sure if this means skiers will be shot!

A pretty barn of some sort!
Icelandic horses are very inquisitive and came running up to the fence for a chat as I walked pass! 
Freyja barked at them and they gave her the evil eye!


  1. As always brilliant blog. Please keep it up. Love to all. Unnur

  2. Fantastic photos - how far is it to the beach from where you live?

  3. Hi Tina, lovely to hear from you. The beach is virtually directly across the road from where I am staying at the moment...I usually take a walk there everyday!
