Friday 12 November 2010

A Walk on the Beach

The weather here has become windy again and it is a little hard to walk, but I did manage to take Freyja out for a 10-15min walk fly around the block where we were struggling to keep our feet on the ground against the gusts of wind yesterday.  Currently it is -3 with a northerly wind of 37kph, hopefully the wind will drop sometime today for me to take Freyja for her daily stroll and as they say here in Iceland if you don't like the weather wait 15 minutes and it will change.  The weather, however, earlier in the week has been may have been as low -7c maybe even -15c one day but the sun has been out, the sky blue, windless and those lovely blue shadows were popping up everywhere in the snow. 

A week or so ago I went for a long walk on the beach.  The sand is black or rather a deep chocolate and it is covered in rocks/pebbles of all different colours, shapes and sizes.  I find it hard to walk along a beach and not do a bit of collecting, the pebbles are all so interesting but to limit myself I have decided to only collect heart shaped ones.

The sea is usually still as, but  in these photos there was a bit of a breeze and an ebb to the tide.

 As I have said before it is the landscape that has bought me here, I feel so at peace and content when I walk outside, it feeds my soul.

The mountains are the main attraction for me, some how I feel them as they protectively watch over this little town.


  1. Yes, I think I am pretty lucky...I keep pinching my self to make sure it is all not a dream!

  2. I know entirely how you feel when you gaze upon the sea and the mountain landscapes of Iceland... the same feelings grip me when I'm there - and now, when I am away.

    I am sorry to say I did not receive your email - hope you can send it once again to me at
    Your pictures are beautiful.

  3. So pretty. And the 'loot' is divine.

